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Who is Southbound?
This part of the website is always so difficult to write up. Its always a struggle to provide information about things that we think you might care about and leave out the boring stuff all without sounding pretentious. This time we're going to leave it to an auduence member who posted this on our facebook page after hearing us at The Wildhorse in Kellner one fall evening. Turns out he's also a musician, so for us, his kind words carry even more weight because they come from someone who knows. Honest, we didn't know the guy before he wrote this.
"As a group, Southbound is thoroughly entertaining and capable of opening for any big name performer. But it’s the multi-talented individuality and uniqueness of its members that really makes Southbound shine.
Brian Baumann is the lead guitar and a relaxed, entertaining front man, with an inhuman vocal range and dynamic that allows him to deliver lead or backup vocals at either end of the tonal spectrum. Instrumentally, Brian seemingly punished his guitar all night long with a relentless fierceness that forced his 6 obviously helpless strings to yield flawless, biting licks. As I watched him work, the intensity on his face belied the relative ease with which his fingers commanded his axe, and elevated him, at least for that night, to Brad Paisleyism. Brian knows how to have fun, and when you spend the evening with him, it’s contagious!
Chelle Baumann, the pulchritudinous, tri-instrumental member of the band, fleshed out the evening’s musical offering on guitar, mandolin and keyboard, and did so with undeniable professional proficiency on each. This gal’s had some training! She is a wonderfully dynamic singer whose vocals precisely replicated the animated pop country tones of Jennifer Nettles, as well as the innocent, dark country lyrics of a Miranda Lambert song. All in all, Chelle’s contribution to the evening was a musically captivating and visually stunning performance.
Todd Twait is a drummer whose beat summoned dancers to the floor like voodoo black magic, and with the added bonus that he could sing. I always enjoy a show where the drummer has at least one mic that isn’t pointed at his drums. Todd also proved that he is as much at home in front of the drums and he is behind them, when he came out during the evening and lead the entire room in an acapela number. Todd is an entertainer with a great personality, and contrary to all the jokes about drummers, he can actually count.
Anyone who hasn’t experienced Southbound is missing something in life!
(PS. In my opinion, the only thing missing from this group is this author’s harmonica!) "
Gary Schuetz
Orting, Washington
Wayne Jaworski is the latest addition to the band and anyone who has been around central Wisconsin already knows the name. Wayne has been the bassist and vocalist for "Rumours" for 35 years. Experience like that can't be duplicated or imitated. As of 2018 he is our bassist and vocalist and we are excited to have him. He lays down a confident groove that will not be denied and his rock n roll vocals add another dimension to the band.
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